Bethel United Church

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General Notice:



19 March 2020 Ref: COVID-19

Dear Pastors and Leaders

Holy greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

We wanted to reach out to you to let you know the next step Bethel NEC is taking during these uncertain times. The health, safety and wellbeing of all the saints are our utmost priority.

We are following guidelines set out by Public Health England and responding quickly to any changes in the situation.

With all the information we have to hand we have met as a group and made the difficult decision to postpone all Bethel Public worship services from the end of your Morning worship 22 March 2020.

We recommend that this service is no longer than 1-2 hours and that Social Distancing is in place. This will mean that after your morning worship on Sunday 22 March 2020 and going forward, you

should utilise the various options available to continue your worship services. Some of these options are: -

• YouTube

• Zoom

• FaceTime

• Facebook Live

• General Live streaming

• Teleconferencing

This official advice is given and requested to be in place in all Bethel Churches until further notice by the Bethel National Ecclesiastical Council.

All our other advice on Social interaction and Cleanliness, still stands.

We will continue to update you on a regular basis as this is a very fast-moving situation. Stay safe and look after each other

+Bishop Dexter E. Edmund

on behalf of the National Ecclesiastical Council




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